dijous, 26 de desembre del 2013

Los años de peregrinación del chico sin color

Hello readers!

Today, 26 of January 2013, I have finished to read the last novel of Haruki Murakami in Spanish: Los años de peregrinación del chico sin color. Now I explain you the storyline and I express my personal conclusion about this book.

The main character, an engineer of train stations, has an opened emotional wound since he was abandoned by his best-friends in the past. He decides to heal his wound. But it's not easy, because he needs to find every member one by one. So, he discovers who they are currently and why they abandoned him suddenly. Then, he continues his life and his romance with his new lover.

My conclusion of this book is the most important that a person has is life, despite the external messages.The truth is that we are alive and the best is yet to come. Don't miss the train!

 Watch the Booktrailer if you want understand more...


See you.

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